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6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids & Green Processes held
Last Update:2018-01-09  |  【Print】 【Close

  The 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids & Green Processes (APCIL-6) was held from Oct. 31 – Nov. 3, 2018 in Yonago, Tottori, Japan. Near 200 researchers and business representatives from China, USA, Japan, Korea, Australia, Finland and Germany attended the conference. The conference has 6 plenary presentations, 8 keynote presentations, 4 invited presentations, 14 oral presentations and 95 poster presentations. Attendees discussed the latest researches in depth of ionic liquids in chemistry and chemical engineering, catalysis, energy and environment science, biomass conversion, nano materials and pharmaceuticals.

  The conference was chaired by Prof. Toshiyuki Itoh of Tottori University, Prof. Suojiang Zhang, academician of the Academy of Sciences from Institute of Process Engineering, CAS, Prof. Buxing Han, academician of the Academy of Sciences from Institute of Chemistry, Prof. Hiroyuki Ohno, President of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Prof. Sheng Dai of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dr. Hideya Mizufune of Spera Pharma Inc., Prof. Doug MacFarlane of Monash University gave wonderful reports about their researches and discussed with other scientists.

  APCIL was lunched by Ionic Liquids Board, the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, which also held the first APCIL in 2008. With significant influence worldwide, the conference aims to gather the research efforts in Asian Pacific region, prompt the research development in both fundamental and application. The conferences were held every two years, which were successively held in Beijing (APCIL-1), Dalian (APCIL-2), Beijing (APCIL-3), Sydney (APCIL-4), Hangzhou (APCIL-5). APCIL-6 intensified the interaction of researches all over the world in ionic liquids, further improved the international cooperation, which Injected new power to prompt the development of research in ionic liquids and greenness of chemistry and chemical engineering.

6th Asian-Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids & Green Processes